Guests from the World Internet Marketing Summit and friends! Here are my projects and blogs:
Some of them you didn't expect I had:
Plan your travels to Asia and the world with no tour guides! You're the boss all the way.
What's inside:
-Freezing Macau -where I learned how to float to the camera. now floating or appearing to float is different from jumping. You have to pose like you're not jumping okay? Hehe. I found out that the people in this world have already discovered "jumping to film" - I even saw a panoramic shot of oh 50 people jumping. Wow. But its not floating. Click to take a look!
-Singapore - we went to all the possible tourist spots but also hi-lighted the FOOD we ate. We don't like souvenir shopping so its just sights and food!
-We also hi-light the cost and what our rooms look like when we stay abroad as well as shortcuts and tips to make your stay extra-nice!
-Malolos Cathedral, Philippines
-Boracay, Philippines
-Bohol, Philippines
-Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
-Future plans: We'll post our actual itinerary here so you can download it and use it for your own trips. We have a very detailed one-including bus numbers and trip durations as well as options!
-What's NOT posted yet-but the photos are ready:
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia,
Bicol, Philippines
Baler, Philippines
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