Route 66 maps + Navigation by TomTom on Android App - "Follow me"
Route 66 maps + Navigation by TomTom on Android App - "Follow me" - Route 66 joined forces with TomTom at the end of last year in order to create a few new products.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The 10 hottest tech products of 2008
3. Intel Core i7As Nvidia's David Luebke has suggested, computers aren't just getting faster

5. Windows 7In 2008 we got our first glimpse of Windows Vista 2 – Windows 7. Microsoft-watchers suggest that a late-2009 release could be on the cards, which means that the bullet headed Steve Ballmer will use CES to trumpet Windows 7's good points – backwards compatibility, improved boot performance, multi-touch and DirectX 11. It's worrying times for Microsoft. Apple and Linux have chipped away at the dominance of the Windows platform and rumours of a 'Google OS' refuse to shut up and die. Microsoft needs a big win in 2009.
7. Nintendo Wii FitGive Nintendo a round of applause. Who else could take a £70 'fitness game' and turn it into one of the most popular products of 2008? According to recent ELSPA figures, Wii Fit has sold in excess of 1 million units in the UK this year. Worldwide, Nintendo has shifted around 9 million Balance Boards. The numbers validate Nintendo's decision to sit out the HD gaming war and aim its console at the so-called 'casual' gamer. Chances of finding a Wii Fit this year and paying £70 for it? Slim to absolutely none.
9. MSI WindWhile the Asus Eee sparked the netbook craze, the diminutive laptop has arguably been bettered by rival models – the Acer Aspire One, for example, and the MSI Wind. Earlier this year, our gaze was drawn to the MSI Wind 100, the first netbook to feature Intel's N270 Atom processor. And while websites like us have been chattering about the potential of Linux on these micro-portables, the real winner this year has been Windows XP's netbook-friendliness. Yet another embarrassment for Windows Vista.
10. Virgin 50Mbps broadbandBack in 1988, CIX was the UK's leading ISP and people could log onto the fledgeling 'World Wide Web' at a heady 2.4Kbps. 20 years on, Virgin has broken the speed barrier for residential net-access with its new 50Mbps service. What's interesting here isn't just the ability to download a Leona Lewis album in 11 seconds flat. No, Virgin's fibre optic technology throws the gauntlet down to BT, which is beavering away on its own 21st Century Network (21CN). Faster broadband for all by 2012? It's a distinct possibility.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Fw: 2nd Annual Black History Month Book Fair -January 25 - March 7, 2009
Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties |
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Bra-very in a snap
Using her bra to stop the bleeding, a Calgary woman is being credited with helping save the life of a man beaten unconscious outside a southwest nightclub.
Nicky Arsenault, 19, was leaving the Back Alley Nightclub with friends early Sunday morning when they saw two men who had been left unconscious and bleeding heavily on the sidewalk.
A nursing assistant at Bowcrest Care Centre, Arsenault jumped into action along with friend Paul Fitzgerald, a welder in the Canadian military.
"There were 20 or 30 people standing around but nobody was doing anything," she said.
"I saw he had a deep laceration on the left side of his head, but he was laying on the left side so the blood was pouring out.
"I got two people help me turn him to the recovery position, otherwise he would have bled out, then I took off my bra because nobody had anything else to use, and I held it against the laceration."
While Arsenault helped one victim, Fitzgerald helped the other -- a 24-year-old male who had a broken right arm.
While she was performing first aid, Arsenault said the man she was helping stopped breathing at one point.
"He was breathing through his nasal passage but it was so blocked, it was really shallow, almost like snoring then he stopped," she said.
"So I opened his throat and cleared out as much blood as I could so I wouldn't have to give him CPR."
It was at that point, she said the man's pulse dropped from 80 to 60 BPM.
"That's pretty bad," she said.
Their actions garnered kudos from EMS spokesman Stuart Brideaux.
"Certainly any time anyone sees an opportunity to try to help the well-being of a patient before EMS arrives, we're very appreciative of them," he said.
"It's very noble for someone to stop to help when they can -- in a patient's mind ... if someone is there helping, they are not alone and are being looked after."
Arsenault said bystanders told her the unconscious pair had been flirting with the girlfriends of another group of men who took offence and laid a beating on them.
"They just turned around and started beating on them," she said.
"Once the guys were on the ground, one of them got booted in the head and that's what caused the lacerations, from the cement.
"Then the other guys just jumped in their car and left."
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The main thing that happens in the last week was the sad thing. One of my best friend -Subin Shrestha, went to Nepal. Its a a very sad thing for me. Since he was a good friend and motivational person , gave me lots of inspirations for my blog. I miss him a lot. Now he will enjoy with his family in Nepal. I had some new photos of subin and I will post them later.
The next thing is the improvement in the business. I am really proud about my guys and my company for that.
Two weeks before we bought one electric rice cooker and now we cook rice in our room and bought curry from the nearest hotel.
What else ? I am not in a good mood to write here more .
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tell ESSENCE: Know where to meet great Black men? Know a great working
Tell ESSENCE: Know where to meet great Black men? Know a great working mom? Where are the Black men? Are you always meeting great men at places and functions most sisters are unaware of or overlook? wants YOU to tell us where we can meet attractive, single men! We've already highlighted the following: Grocery store, Bookstore, Church, Train/Bus, Weddings, Concert, Airports and sports bars, Salsa clubs, Home Depot, Gyms, Gas stations, Alumni associations, Weekly social event, Barbershop, Ski Trips Tell us where else can we meet single men (and make sure you explain why you chose that particular place). Don't forget to include your name, age and city of residence in your e-mail. Please pass this along to your friends. Send all responses to Porsche at ___________________________________________________________ Wanted: Phenomenal Working Moms ESSENCE is on the lookout for African-American working moms who manage to balance having a great career with taking wonderful care of their family and themselves! These super-moms need to be willing to share their secrets to success: Do they enlist her older kids to help younger siblings with homework? Do they trade off babysitting with other girlfriends who have kids? Did they start their own business so they could make their own hours at home? We're open to everyone, but would love to profile: • a single or divorced mom • a mom who stays at home, but runs her own business • a mom with a developmentally disabled child • a mom with a very large family (more than five kids) • a mom with multiples who are still young Moms, please email us at and tell us about your family, your career, and how you look out for yourself as well. Please include your name, age, geographic location and a photo of yourself. Thanks much! -------------------- To reply to this message, follow the link below: Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties |
Fw: Media Release: Fr*ugal Idea Hit in Economic Downturn
With the downturn in the economy I thought this might be of special interest to your readers. Feel free to make it work for your audience. I am always available to send you an article to for an interview if that fits your needs better. M E D I A R E L E A S E
Contact: Carolyn Howard-Johnson E-mail: Phone: 818-790-0502
Sought-After Guest Soars on Authors Access Radio
Frugal Message Hits Top Spot for AuthorsAccess Listeners
Ann Arbor, MI--Cohosts of Authors Access radio, Victor R. Volkman and Irene Watson, announced multi award-winning author Carolyn Howard-Johnson was the #1 most popular guest on podcasts for the year 2008.
Volkman says, "With more than 1,000 listeners this year, Carolyn again proved the lasting power of her Frugal Book Promotion message. Not only is her message popular, but it's way out in front of all the other guests, the 2nd most popular podcast was 20% behind Carolyn's. We wish Carolyn continued success in 2009 and we are certain her message will become even more important as economic turmoil continues." That podcast may be found at
Authors Access is a joint project of Loving Healing Press and ReaderViews. It features interviews from people around the world who can help authors better manage their writing careers. The show is recorded live each Thursday evening and posted immediately on Since 2006, aspiring authors have browsed and downloaded more than 75 posted podcast shows for free. And they come back again and again: more than 50,000 podcast episode MP3s are downloaded per year.
Watson is the owner/manager of Reader Views, an Austin, Texas, based company that offers book reviews, publicity packages, editing services, as well as support to up and coming authors. The company provides quality service with professionalism, efficiency, and personal attention.
Victor R. Volkman is the publisher/owner of Loving Healing Press, an Ann Arbor, Michigan, based independent press that produces books in the Self-Help, Psychology, and New Age genres. It empowers authors to produce books which redefine what is possible for healing mind and spirit.
Howard-Johnson was selected as a guest for the pair's radio show because of her strong record helping authors. She edits an online newsletter for authors,"Sharing with Writers." She is also author of the series of books for writers that includes the Frugal Book Promoter: How to Do What Your Publisher Won't and The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success
Both books are winners of USA Book News' Best Book award and The Frugal Editor also won Reader Views Literary Award and the New Generation Award for Marketing. She sponsors the annual Noble (Not Nobel!) Prize for books ( and is also an instructor for UCLA Extension's renowned Writers' Program.
Learn more about Howard-Johnson at .
Learn more about AuthorsAccess at ###
Support materials are available on request. Contact Volkman at or Howard-Johnson at Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties |
Fw: Seth's Blog : What is viral marketing?
[You're getting this note because you subscribed to Seth Godin's blog.] What is viral marketing?Viral marketing is an idea that spreads--and an idea that while it is spreading actually helps market your business or cause. Two kinds of viral marketing: The original classic sort in which the marketing is the product and which a self-amplifying cycle occurs. Hotmail, for example, or YouTube. The more people use them, the more people see them. The more people see them, the more people use them. The product or service must be something that improves once more people use it. A second kind has evolved over the last few years, and that's a marketing campaign that spreads but isn't the product itself. Shepard Fairey's poster of Barack Obama was everywhere, because people chose to spread it. It was viral (it spread) and it was marketing (because it made an argument--a visual one--for a candidate.) Something being viral is not, in an of itself, viral marketing. Who cares that 32,000,000 people saw your stupid video? It didn't market you or your business in a tangible, useful way. Marketers are obsessed with free media, and, as is often the case, we blow it in our rush to get our share. We create content that is hampered or selfish or boring. Or we create something completely viral that doesn't do any marketing at all. I wrote the first mainstream book about viral marketing. It's free (still) eight years (and millions of downloads) later. I haven't updated it or made it pretty, but I think the core ideas stand up pretty well. (I even talk about the Zipf's Law and the long tail, but didn't realize it at the time). Here's how the book itself is an example of viral marketing: 1. I posted the PDF for free. Three thousand people downloaded it on day one. 2. The file is small enough to email to your friends. I encouraged people to do just that. 3. Some people mailed it to fifty or a hundred people. It spread. 4. That's just viral. The marketing part? I released a $40 souvenir hardcover edition. People knew the idea but didn't like the format or my design skills. So they paid a lot for a book they had already read. It went to #5 on Amazon (#4 in Japan). We sold the rights in dozens of languages. And the paperback rights. And it helped me get speaking gigs. BUT! 5. That's not why I did it. If I had done it as a clever way to sell books, it would have failed. It would have failed because I would have somehow tried to track it, or added friction, or tried to profit in some way from the idea. I was way too dumb at the time to have done it right if my goal was to do it 'right'. The critical element of viral marketing is this: it's built in. It was built into Hotmail and built into YouTube. The more people used the camera on their cell phones, the more the idea spread, the more people wanted a camera. If you want to do viral marketing, you can try to come up with a viral ad, but you'll probably fail. You're better off building the viral right into the product, creating a product that spreads because you designed it that way. Viral marketing only works well when you plan for it, when you build it in, when you organize your offering to be spreadable, interesting and to work better for everyone involved when it spreads. If I don't benefit from spreading it, why should I spread it? I won't. If you don't benefit from your users spreading the idea, it might spread, but it won't help you much. So both elements have to be present. The reason for this post is that viral marketing is getting a bad name, largely from clueless marketing agencies and clueless marketers. Here's what they do: they get a lame product, or a semi-lame product, and they don't have enough time or money to run a nationwide ad campaign. So, instead, they slap some goofy viral thing on top of it and wait for it to spread. And if it doesn't spread, they create a faux controversy or engage a PR firm or some bloggers and then it still doesn't work. Being viral isn't the hard part. The hard part is making that viral element actually produce something of value, not just entertainment for the client or your boss. More Recent Articles
Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties |
Friday, December 19, 2008
Baby born with 'foot in brain'
US surgeons operating on a brain tumour in a baby boy found a tiny foot inside his head.
Doctors operated on three-day old Sam Esquibel after finding what looked like a microscopic tumour on an MRI scan.
But while removing the growth, they also found a nearly perfect foot and the partial formation of another foot, a hand and a thigh.
The growth may have been a case of "foetus in foetu" in which a twin begins to form within its sibling.
However, the team at Memorial Hospital for Children in Colorado Springs said such cases very rarely occur in the brain.
It may also have been a type of congenital brain tumour.
But such growths are usually less complex than a foot or hand, the doctors added.
Benefits of Social Media to Business
Chris Brogan, author of the community and social media site - ChrisBrogan.Com and I constantly follow him in Twitter, has written an insightful article of how social media can actually benefit us. Not to mention, the bullets of social
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Big Picture: For my brother
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How to keep your dreams alive using a Video Dream Blog
The wife. She's here.
He's coming soon, she says.
An hour passes.
We're dejected.
Boatman here. We're off to see the dolphins...
Two hours of hunting them down, sharing the ocean with another set of boats full of tourists and NO DOLPHINS.
So that's why this video inspires me that ONE DAY, it will happen to me.
How about you, where's your video blog of dreams?
That's an idea. Now go an RUN WITH IT. There's a lot of time these holidays - gather the inspiring youtube videos and post them all into a blog. As many as you can! Along with text saying why you want to achieve those dreams.
And don't forget to put adsense, properly as instructed by my 3 month free ecourse!
Use Photosynth to Promote your Event/Property
Yup, that's confusing but if you've watched CSI MIAMI, I think they used a variant of that already.
Here's a sample:
Now the requirements are, the user or viewer must be using WINDOWS and must install Photosynth, the software. Then as an example, if you have both the above, go to the National Geographic Photosynth project and be prepared to be wowed or not. It's up to you.
Warning, both a fast computer and a fast internet access is required for this. If not, well there's always YOUTUBE-you can use to promote your properties.
New Lit on the Block :: experiment-o
New Lit on the Block :: experiment-oexperiment-o is published annually as a PDF magazine "with the aim of bringing attention to works that do what art is supposed to do and that is to risk." Amanda Earl of AngelHousePress is behind this new project, and the first issue contains what appear to be several AHP regulars, though the publication is open for submissions. experiment-o will consider interviews, reviews, visual art, visual poetry, concrete poetry, poetry, prose, manifestos, maps, rants, blog entries, translations and other digital miscellany. Only contributions that are possible in PDF form will be considered. Issue 1 features: Gary Barwin, Camille Martin, rob mclennan, Pearl Pirie, Roland Prevost, Jenny Sampirisi, Emily A. Falvey, Steve Venright, and Spencer Gordon. Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties |
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
What is Wii ?

The Wii Console
Wii (pronounced 'we') is Nintendo's new home video game console that represents a radical step into a new era of entertainment. For years, video games have been growing in popularity but also in complexity.
Expanding the Audience
Over time, gaming has become overwhelming to people. The Wii console returns gaming to simpler times while innovating game development at the same time. The unique Wii Remote gives parents and grandparents a chance to play games with their children. It gives gamers and traditional non-gamers a chance to share the same experiences in this new generation of gaming. For those who grew up with video games, Wii shows that games have not outgrown them.
Unique Experiences
The Wii console makes you feel less like a player and more like you're in the game. Frenzied sword battles are no longer confined to pushing a button. With Wii's unique Wii Remote controller, Nintendo puts you in the middle of the action. Forget about pushing a button to start a golf backswing. Wii lets you swing the club! Don't push a button to swing a sword, actually swing the sword. Video games have always been a part of you, now you get to be a part of them. Step up to the next level of gaming.
Wii Remote
Wireless and motion-sensitive, the Wii Remote offers an intuitive, natural way to play games. The ergonomic controller plays into the conventional motions you make everyday. When you hit a drum, swing a tennis racket or swing a bat; why should you have to press a button to replicate these things? With the Wii Remote, you can use everyday motions to help make you the centre of the game.
Nintendo designed the Wii Remote to be the most multifaceted gaming device ever. It can be a sword in one game and then a steering wheel for racing games. It's your paintbrush, your golf club, your aeroplane, but most of all, it's your key to unlocking a world of fun you've never imagined.
Wii Nunchuk
Connect the Nunchuk to the Wii Remote and get ready. You've just begun a journey into the most immersive, heated gameplay experience ever offered. This combo offers the utmost precision. They're your sword and shield to defend Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. They're your weapons to blast your way through the cramped corridors of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and the gritty underworld of Red Steel.
wii virtual console
Wii will have downloadable access to 20 years of fan-favourite titles originally released for Nintendo 64, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and even the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The Virtual Console also features a "best of" selection from MEGA DRIVE titles and games from the TurboGrafx console (a system jointly developed by NEC and Hudson). It will also be home to new games conceived by indie developers whose creativity is larger than their budgets.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Live Workshop -Hands On for 13 Hours: How to make money online - In Manila
Earn from your unused DOT COM name, now you can! Using Google Adsense for Domains
Think of the possiblities. After almost a 100 comments in the official Google Adsense Blog, you'd figure that most people will take this positively. But no, not everyone can see how GREAT IT IS.
You, what do you think? Good or bad?
Anyway, want to learn more how Online Profits are achieved? I've launched -massively - the acclaimed Online Internet Marketing Workshop Club, THE place to learn -on line-how to create income from punching keys on a keyboard. :) Find out more here
Book Trade News Kindle Vs The Rest
Kindle Vs The Rest ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindle Vs Sony Reader, PlasticLogic, Hanlin, iRex, Cybook Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties |
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The World's Most Influential Companies
Check out the list of The World's Most Influential Companies after the jump. Read more.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy
Well, I'm leaving that to you as a question guys but for this day, I am glad to introduce you a good book to read which Ivana Taylor excellently made a review on: Review of Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy!
In addition to my addiction to business books, I have this obsession with “Why
Christmas Special, New E-Book, Get Yo' Dance On! from Author, Kim Brooks
Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties |
Fw: What You Should Know About Promoting Your Books on Google
Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties |
Ouija Board
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Nintendo Makes Way For Shakespeare | Penguin Launches 2.0
Mario Makes Way For Shakespeare On Nintendo DS In Harpercollins Deal ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nintendo is to announce a deal with HarperCollins to make literary classics available to read on its DS portable games consoles ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Penguin Launches Penguin 2.0, iPhone App; Stanza Deal With Random House ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A hint of optimism follows one of publishing's bleakest weeks in the form of digital announcements from two of the big trade houses: Penguin Books and Random House Sylvia Hubbard Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties |
Dance Like No One Is Watching