How about that? My UnionBank Credit card automatically charged me with a
24 pesos monthly insurance premium. I've been a bit busy so I wasn't
able to ask them about it.
Problem is--I didn't sign up for this. But it kept charging me month
after month.
Marketing blurb on their website says:
"Union Bank is making this U Protect coverage available to its Visa
cardholders because we believe this low cost cover can provide peace of
mind to you and your family.
We believe this protection is so important to you and your family that
we have arranged for Insular Life Assurance Company, Ltd. to
automatically issue U-Protect Insurance Certificate. You are already
covered! The added security and peace of mind is yours to enjoy for 3
full months at no cost to you. "
Peace of mind? A charge unexpectedly appears on my credit cardd
statement and it's supposed to bring me POM?
Hmm, the irony of it.
Anyway, I called them up -I found out that you can cancel it-no
questions asked. But they will not reverse the past charges.
My thoughts:
From the looks of it-Insular life (the provider of the insurance) just
wanted instant clients and made a deal with UnionBank Credit Card to
insure each credit card holder --without asking for their written
Perhaps they did send a letter or a small text on the already cluttered
credit card statement informing me of this-but I didn't notice it. And I
do not throw away those attached brochures and such - I browse them
first. I didn't notice a thing.
Is this good practice? To simply force insurance on your clients?
What do you think?
Drip marketing all about is making steps to show your clients that you
actually CARE for them, in an emotional way -- like remembering their
birthdays when almost everybody forgets.
Is this "forced insurance", drip marketing? Or is it reverse drip? Or is
it drip marketing without the wow factor?
I'm shaking my head.
More about it from the UnionbankCreditCard FAQ
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