This morning I woke up to an antivirus warning. TCPIP.SYS contains a
Trojan, do you want to clean? Of course I said yes and the anti-virus
dutifully ERASED the file. Of course all geeks know that this SYS file
enables you to connect to the internet. I knew the computer would look
for it eventually.
So that's what it did! Soon a message flashed: Missing Component or
I entered one of my Windows XP CDs and tried it. Sorry can't find the
I tried reinstalling the Windows XP Network Components Only and that
However, the internet still isn't working!
So I called up my ISP's tech support for t-shooting. Bottomline:
REFORMAT your machine sir! I took that cheerfully and started going thru
the motions reinstalling Windows XP. This is par for the course so
there's no panic -and a clean system always run faster so that's okay
with me.
It didn't work because my CD/Boot drive is toast (doesn't work).
So I resorted to copying the tcpip.sys file from my notebook PC to the
desktop (big hulking computer) and would you believe it! It worked!
So TCPIp.SYS munching Trojan, The best way to get rid of you is to
overwrite your infected self using a clean version into the following
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