Q: A friend mentioned that if I wanted better paid advertisements, I
should increase pageviews and traffic...I have not yet applied to
adsense as I'm blogging for 4 months palang. and I wanted to know how
to improve in these areas and be familiar with them.
Marami pong salamat.
Beth =D
A: Increase pageviews and traffic. You should promote your blog.
Meaning, go to Forums that talk about your topic and post a message
there in conversation mode. Not "announcing my blog!". Just talk to
people. What's a forum? Google Pets Forum if your blog is about pets
or you have a veterinarian blog. How many forums should you visit?
Say about 10. If that feels like a chore, your blog topic is wrong.
Try to blog about something you LIKE -so going to forums is going to
feel fun.
After that, go look for Facebook Groups of the same topic. Talk to
people like you do to normal people. Do not announce. Mention your
blog when it's necessary to mention it. Don't force it. Be natural.
Don't relentlessly photo tag people.
Plug your blog posts (the stuff in the blog) regularly in your own
Facebook Wall and Twitter Feed. Write thought provoking and
incomplete blog post titles.
Ok, read this thing again, I put in a lot of information to help you.
Now here's a faster technique: Locate a blogger (a human) who has a
big, popular blog on the same topic. Send an email or comment or wall
post to the person saying "You'd like to guest post" if possible.
Guest posting means you'll write something that the person likes and
post it in HIS BLOG. Tell him I'll write a review about the latest
Academy Awards 2011 being not "Social Network" friendly - because you
both have a film blog and he likes "The Social Network" film and hates
the fact that it did not win the Best Picture. At the end of your
post (or at the beginning) there's an explanation from him - who you
are and why you're posting in his [popular] blog.
Now repeat this for other popular bloggers in your topic.
Keep trying and doing.
Beth =D
A: Increase pageviews and traffic. You should promote your blog.
Meaning, go to Forums that talk about your topic and post a message
there in conversation mode. Not "announcing my blog!". Just talk to
people. What's a forum? Google Pets Forum if your blog is about pets
or you have a veterinarian blog. How many forums should you visit?
Say about 10. If that feels like a chore, your blog topic is wrong.
Try to blog about something you LIKE -so going to forums is going to
feel fun.
After that, go look for Facebook Groups of the same topic. Talk to
people like you do to normal people. Do not announce. Mention your
blog when it's necessary to mention it. Don't force it. Be natural.
Don't relentlessly photo tag people.
Plug your blog posts (the stuff in the blog) regularly in your own
Facebook Wall and Twitter Feed. Write thought provoking and
incomplete blog post titles.
Ok, read this thing again, I put in a lot of information to help you.
Now here's a faster technique: Locate a blogger (a human) who has a
big, popular blog on the same topic. Send an email or comment or wall
post to the person saying "You'd like to guest post" if possible.
Guest posting means you'll write something that the person likes and
post it in HIS BLOG. Tell him I'll write a review about the latest
Academy Awards 2011 being not "Social Network" friendly - because you
both have a film blog and he likes "The Social Network" film and hates
the fact that it did not win the Best Picture. At the end of your
post (or at the beginning) there's an explanation from him - who you
are and why you're posting in his [popular] blog.
Now repeat this for other popular bloggers in your topic.
Keep trying and doing.
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