According to Forrester, online sales will increase 10% year-over-year from now until 2015, matching the growth rate of online retail in the U.S. The consumer electronics category will lead the expansion, increasing its share of the e-commerce market from 25% to 28% by 2015; shoes will grow 13% year-over-year and clothing, the second-largest category, will generate €21 billion in online sales in 2015.
The total number of online buyers in Europe, which includes the EU-17 (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK), grew by 18% from 2009 to 2010, and is expected to grow from 157 million to 205 million. Currently, 57% of European adults buy online, up 13.4 million ( 9%) from 2009.
In Europe, the average online shopper spent €517 online in 2010, excluding travel and financial services products. Consumer electronics and computers accounted for the largest spend, followed by books, clothes and event tickets. On average, the British spent the most online (€871 per person); Spaniards spent the least (€255 per person). European adults are expected to spend €652 on average in 2015.
In the north — especially in the U.K. — e-commerce growth will cannibalize sales on other channels, while in the south a more multi-channel retail environment is emerging, in which online is one of several tools buyers use to inform purchasing decisions.
While European shoppers appreciate the convenience of online shopping — particularly the opportunities for expanded product selection and information, as well as competitive pricing — by and large, they still prefer the convenience of retail stores, whi ch allow for immediate access to goods...
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